The Cookie policy and disclaimer

The Cookie policy and disclaimer in the “Naniwa t4e ‘I have read something like this!'”(hereinafter referred to as the “Site”) are as follows:


Cookie Policy

This Site uses Cookies. The Cookie information collected through this Site shall be handled as follows:

Cookie Overview

Cookie is the mechanism that stores the user’s site browsing history on the user’s computer (PC, smartphone, tablet, etc.). By using Cookies, this Site can identify the user’s computer. However, Cookies do not contain any personally identifiable information.

Purpose of Use of Cookies

(1) This Site uses the following advertising services distributed by third parties, and uses Cookies to display advertisements for products and services according to the user’s interests:
・Amazon Associates Program.
※This Site earns revenue from qualifying sales as an Amazon’s associate.
(2) This Site uses the following tools to analyze access information and uses Cookies.
  ・Google Analytics.

Methods to Disable Cookies

Users can disable Cookies and refuse to collect the Cookie information by changing their browser settings. However, if users disable Cookies, they may not be able to receive some services.
For the methods to change the Cookie settings, please check the user’s browser’s help menu, etc.
 For the methods to stop the provision of information to advertising service providers, please contact Amazon and (FAN Communications, Inc.). .
 For details on Google’s information collection, please check their privacy policy, etc.
Google Policies and Rules:


1  This Site is not involved in the usage environment of the user’s computer (PC, smartphone, tablet, etc.), and does not assume any responsibility.
2  The content of this Site may contain erroneous or outdated information. This Site assumes no responsibility for the legality, morality, reliability, or accuracy of the content.
3  This Site is not responsible for the legality, morality, reliability, or accuracy of the homepages to which this Site is linked.
4  This Site assumes no responsibility for third-party distributed advertisements placed on this Site. Users should purchase at their own risk.
5  Information on this Site is subject to change or deletion without notice. This Site is not responsible for any damage caused to users due to any change or deletion of information.
6  This Site is not responsible for any damages incurred by users directly or indirectly as a result of using this Site.
7  In the event that a user causes damage to a third party or a dispute arises with a third party in connection with the use of this Site, the user shall compensate for such damage or resolve such dispute at his/her own expense and responsibility and shall not cause any inconvenience or damage to the operator of this Site.
